Senior Living (Follow Up, Jul. 2021)


(L-R: Jeremy Lopez, Zac Geddies)

So much has changed since our first interview with Senior Living. Zac Geddies and Jeremy Lopez are the main creative minds behind Senior Living, an explosive punk/alternative rock project best known for their wall-shakingly powerful sound. The band has since signed up with Paintbox Records, and reached out to share news exclusively with Radio Radio X about their brand new debut LP Anniversaries. Zac Geddies wrote in to explain a bit about the band’s new art collective entitled “Season 3” as well as Senior Living’s fierce new sound and direction. The band has since taken in a new bassist, produced local art zines and worked on a new music video; if they’ve proven anything, it’s that their style isn’t getting old.  

RRX: So, It’s obviously been a while since our first interview. A lot has changed in the world of music, from a global pandemic to new creative endeavors. I’d like you guys to start off by telling me about Season 3 Collective (goals, ideals, members).

ZG: season 3 is something I started because I had a lot of run ins with talented artists across various music scenes through touring, playing shows etc. It was just eye opening in a way to see how much art was out there in the underground, so Season 3 was all about giving artists a platform to share. It's also been a great place for a lot of the creative ideas Nadia Boyea and I have, like the art zine. The zine is really fun to put together and I'm excited for the next issue coming out later this summer. Sometimes it can be challenging to work together with the other artists due to covid but, hopefully that will all soon come to an end. 

RRX: Tell me about how Senior Living itself has been doing, how have you guys stayed creative and motivated in the last few months? 

ZG: The band has been doing well, we’ve been doing a lot of work with the team at Paintbox Records to gear up for the summer release, a lot of brainstorming that went into content ideas. We also brought a new bassist on, Brendo Snell, also a Paintbox records CEO.

RRX: Tell me about the new album! When this interview comes out, Anniversaries will have already been released (and I know I’m excited to listen to it!).

ZG: We’re excited for the album! A lot of hard work went into it,  Anniversaries was recorded by the three of us in a semi-professional studio run by Paintbox Records called “the spleen.” The 9 songs were recorded in a room full of us, our friends, other musicians, audio engineers, some and some other members from the Paintbox team. That day of recording was one of the first chances we got to play all of the new songs live together, it was one of the first times we even got a chance to play through and write some of the songs. At the end of the recording session, 9 hours later, we had a pretty concentrated album that addressed topics ranging from my own upbringing and struggles with anxiety/ptsd, interacial relationships, seeking truth and looking for closure. 

RRX: Listening to the two most recent songs you have on Spotify, I see you haven’t compromised the heaviness that I loved hearing when I saw you guys a while ago. These songs also sound more aggressive than the 35mm EP; was this a natural evolution or a more intentional choice?

ZG: As for the sound, most of the tracks went in a heavier direction, trading in the soft laid back vibes of 35mm for some more outspoken, catchy punk tracks. There’s definitely more of a groove to this album, and the songs weave together nicely. Expect a balance between hype tracks and slower ones. 

RRX: I dig the artwork for Anniversaries a lot; is that you two as children? (if so, that’s very cute).

ZG: The album cover is actually me ( Zac ) and my younger brother :uke. I just wanted to put some brown kids on the cover to let other black and brown kids know they can be into punk music, and that there's a community out there. No doubt the punk scene is a white dominated scene, just wanted to add a splash of identity to the cover. 

RRX:  I see Zac has written a piece on Pencildive, who you guys mentioned playing with before, do you still keep up with a lot of your old tour mates?

ZG: We definitely want to play with Pencildive! it'd be sick to get a gig with Prince Daddy too. We’re constantly looking for bands to play with whether they’re from the area or on tour passing by, but definitely pencildive and some of the other bands from the label. 

RRX: I see you guys also have a music video in the works. Who did you work with on it/tell me a bit about the video itself. 

ZG: Nadia and I ( Zac ) shot the music video for “Carousel” back in April, the video for “Pretty New New” was also directed by Nadia and filmed the day after our 9 hour studio grind. 

RRX: Which song on your new album are you most excited to share with people?

ZG: I'm excited for there to finally be a version of “Sourir” out, people seem to connect with that one, “Bigot” is also fun

RRX: This one might be out there, but did you guys have any specific rituals while recording the album? When working on music with my buds a while back, we ate Halal food almost every night and it sort of burns a memory into your mind; did you guys have any similar routines?

ZG: Lol the only routine Brendan and I have is smoking up a couple blunts throughout the studio session like a real heavy hazey sesh. 


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